Category Archives: Holidays

Question Marks

January 4th is Trivia Day

Oooohhhhh…. Trivia Day! I love trivia, can you tell? This is the day to wow your friends with your knowledge of trivia! Host a trivia party and play, yep! you guessed it – Trivial Pursuit! The best trivia game on the market! Come on, don’t you remember playing that in the 1980’s? Getting all the little pieces of the pie in your game piece? Trying to answer obscure sports questions that only your sports freak of a little brother would know.

Trivial Pursuit is available at


January 3rd is Festival of Sleep Day

Well, now that the holidays are over this is an appropriate day for some much needed sleep. Too bad you have to go back to work or school. Although, for stay at home moms, this works out quite nicely. The kids have gone back to school and the dad is back at work. Chances are the last of the holiday decorations were taken down yesterday, so time for a nap!


January 2nd is Run Up the Flagpole and See if Anybody Salutes It Day

I didn’t find any information on this holiday. So, here’s what I am thinking… Today is the day to install a flagpole, make your own flag, run it up the flag pole and see if anyone salutes it. Hey, why not, right?